Hypnobirthing for Expectant Parents
I teach HypnoBirthing courses to expectant parents. The HypnoBirthing program is as much a philosophy of birth as it is a technique for achieveing a satisfying, relaxing, and gentle method of birthing. This amazing program teaches you, along with your birthing companion, the art and joy of experiencing birth in a more comfortable manner.
You will learn how to call upon your body's own natural relaxants and thus lessen, or even eliminate, discomfort and the need for medication. When a woman is properly prepared for childbirth and when mind and body are in harmony, nature is free to function in the same well-designed manner that it does with all moters in Nature.

HypnoBirthing Course Highlights

- How the mind and emotions affect the body
- Why labour hurts and why it doesn't have to
- Releasing fear, the enemy of labour
- Preparing your mind and body for birthing
- Reducing the need for artificial induction and episiotomy
- Developing ultimate-depth relaxation
- Understanding the stages of labour
- Preparing your Birth Plan
- Breathing your baby down for birth
The HypnoBirthing program is taught in five 2.5 hour weekly classes. The course fee for the HypnoBirthing program is $395 per couple for group classes or $750 per couple for private sessions.
Fee includes:
- Atteance for two people
- The official HypnoBirthing book by Marie Mongan
- The Rainbow Relaxation CD
- The Birth Affirmations CD and
- Class handouts
Photo credit: [Artisteer] Flickr/limaoscarjuliet